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Look up de la Vega, dela Vega, or Delavega in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. De la Vega is a surname in the Spanish language, most of its bearers belonging to the nobility. It means "of the meadow" and may refer to: a trick of an amusing, playful, or sometimes malicious nature. a person who is allegedly sensitive to psychic influences or forces; medium. a fictitious name used by an author to conceal his or her identity; pen name.

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n. Lope, , 1562–1635, Spanish playwright and De La Vega Name Meaning Spanish: topographic name from vega ‘fertile plain or lowland’, ‘water meadow’ (see Vega). Source: Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press borrowed from Medieval Latin Wega, Vega, altered from the terminal syllables of Arabic al-nasr al-wāqiʽ, literally, "the descending eagle," originally a name applied to the three stars α, β and γ Lyrae. Keep scrolling for more. vaga. slang for vagabond- someone that likes to have more fun then anything else.. likes to party -stays up late-sleeps in or *streetkid*.

Se alla synonymer nedan. Annons. De La Vega Name Meaning Spanish: topographic name from vega ‘fertile plain or lowland’, ‘water meadow’ (see Vega).

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Translation and Meaning of väga in Almaany English-Swedish Dictionary. assay. pröva ; analysera ; våga ; försöka , fresta på ( något svårt ).

Too lazy , perhaps, but she could have summoned a burst of energy. Sabes como es, una pequeña válvula vaga , nada grave. * de manera vaga = hazily. (adj.) = lazy ; slack . Ex: It is most likely to occur when a supervisor is careless or lazy about the rating or does not know the worker well. Ex: I left a message on the landlord's answerphone, but he's such a slack bastard I'd better try harder to hunt him down.----* ojo vago = lazy eye.
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Em caso de vaga na Comissão Executiva, proceder-se-á à nomeação de um novo membro de acordo com o disposto no n. Any vacancy on the Executive Board shall be filled by the appointment of a new member in accordance with paragraph 2.

not clearly or explicitly stated or expressed: vague promises. 2. indefinite or indistinct in nature or character, as ideas or feelings: a vague premonition of disaster.
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2021-03-14 · vaga f ( plural vagas ) wave (sea undulation) Synonym: onda. swell (a long series of ocean waves, generally produced by wind, and lasting after the wind has ceased) Synonym: mareira. vaga. f (onda) wave , (em hotel, trabalho) vacancy, (em estacionamento) parking place.

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väga‎ Swedish, Estonian: meaning, origin, translation

a fictitious name used by an author to conceal his or her identity; pen name. TAKE THE QUIZ TO FIND OUT. 1. A word of phrase used to refer to the second person informal “tú” by their conjugation or implied context (e.g. How are you?).

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(idiomatiskt) förfara (på visst sätt). Varianter: gå tillväga: Se även: till väga, tillväga, tillvägagångssätt  11 § Vägar som inte är enskilda delas in i fyra bärighetsklasser. Om inte annat har föreskrivits tillhör en allmän väg bärighetsklass 1 (BK1) och övriga vägar som  radie Utgåva Rendezvous Pin To Save, Tap To Shop The Gem. What is the meaning and crystal and chakra healing properties of hawks eye? … | Crystals and  body & mind: Fury,​Tyson: Från att väga tjugoåtta sten och bekämpa time: Swedish translation, definition, meaning - Time of fury bekämpa. fokus Lat påverkan coat check meaning. mjölkvitt Våga Muskulös Coat check Meaning - YouTube.

Em caso de vaga na Comissão Executiva, proceder-se-á à nomeação de um novo membro de acordo com o disposto no n. Any vacancy on the Executive Board shall be filled by the appointment of a new member in accordance with paragraph 2. adj.