Journal of Clinical Nursing - DiVA


Edith Roth Gjevjon on Twitter: "@TonjeGjevjon skriver: Norge

This journal publishes research, review articles, case studies, editorials and clinical practices of Nursing and healthcare. Read "Nurses’ satisfaction with their work environment and the outcomes of clinical nursing supervision on nurses’ experiences of well‐being – a Norwegian study, Journal of Nursing Management" on DeepDyve, the largest online rental service for scholarly research with thousands of academic publications available at your fingertips. Clinical Nursing Research is a refereed journal publishing research articles that focus on nursing practice.It disseminates research findings of particular interest to practicing nurses, provides an international forum for discussion among clinical nurse researchers and by identifying practical applications of research, enhances practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal factor.

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Yrkesfunktionen Journal of Clinical Nursing, 14, 1059-1066. Graneheim  UNIVERSITETET I SØRØST-NORGE CAMPUS VESTFOLD. Norway Clinical Skills Tutor – Mental Health Nursing Intensivvårdssjuksköterska med vana av svårt sjuka IVA patienter Journalsystem: Melior Välkommen med din ansökan! Working with Manchester triage–Job satisfaction in nursing. S Forsgren, B Forsman, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (4), 569-576, 2008.

131, 2010 Norwegian Journal of Clinical Nursing/Sykepleien Forskning, 2011.

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Authors publishing in the journal are therefore encouraged to make their data, scripts and other artefacts used to generate the analyses presented in the paper available via a publicly available data repository, however this is not mandatory. 2020-10-01 Publication Norwegian Journal of Clinical Nursing / Sykepleien Forskning.

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The Nordic Journal of Nursing Research (NJNR) is an international, peer-reviewed scientific journal which aims to provide a forum for advancing the knowledge in the broader field of nursing and midwifery.
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Baxter, Rebecca; Sandman, Per-Olof;  Åren 2003-2004 forskade och undervisade hon vid Faculty of Nursing, at point-of-care : A four-country exploratory study., Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2021. Nine doctors and 10 nurses from 10 Norwegian nursing homes were interviewed about their Sandra K Eggenberger Journal of clinical nursing.2004, Vol. av E JOHANSSON — Clinical nursing supervision in group is and has been an obligatory part of the nursing education since 1993 at användes var: English only, journal articles only (se tabell 3). Tabell 1. Artikelsökning i Norwegian study.

Characteristics of nursing home residents with late-stage

I tillegg er overskrift og sammendrag på engelsk, og snart får vi også engelske søkeord – keywords. Norwegian Journal of Clinical Nursing Sykepleien Forskning 114 doi from NP 500 at Chamberlain College of Nursing Read "Quality of care in Norwegian nursing homes – typology of family perceptions, Journal of Clinical Nursing" on DeepDyve, the largest online rental service for scholarly research with thousands of academic publications available at your fingertips. Call For Papers: for a Special Issue of Journal of Clinical Nursing with focus on Disaster Nursing. This special issue will focus on: Disaster nursing knowledge and attitudes; disaster nursing interventions and responses; disaster nursing capacity development; disaster nursing workforce issues; theoretical perspectives and conceptual models related to disaster nursing; academic, clinician and Clinical ladders, first described by Zimmer25 in 1972, have been used as a tool to promote nursing profes-sional development with an emphasis on keeping clinical experts in the clinical practice field.

Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29 (21-22), 4227-4238. problems detected by multidisciplinary teams in Norwegian nursing homes and home nursing care.