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Actic rekryterar Anders Carlbark som ny VD Kauppalehti uses cookies to improve the user experience. By using this website you consent to the use of cookies. If you want to find out more or disable cookies, please click here. Actic Group AB (publ) (“Actic” or the “Company”), a North European fitness club operator focusing on the markets in Sweden, Norway and Germany, and with a presence in Finland and Austria, has decided to list the Company’s shares on Nasdaq Stockholm (the “Offering”).

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Qliro AB, 556962-2441, är ett kreditmarknadsbolag som står under den svenska Finansinspektionens tillsyn. Aktieägarna i Actic Group AB (publ) kallas härmed till extra bolagsstämma den 18 januari 2018 klockan 15:00 på Actics huvudkontor, Smidesvägen 12, 171 41 Stockholm. Anmälan m m. För att äga rätt att deltaga vid stämman ska aktieägare.

SSAB 2013–2016. Nov 13, 2017 Shares to be sold by the Selling Shareholder will be determined based on the Management AB, Sweden) will invest 50 million, Handelsbanken, branch of Holding AB, Actic Group AB (listed on Nasdaq Stockholm), Actic&n 12 jan 2018 STOCKHOLM (12 januari 2018) – Valberedningen i Starbreeze AB har i revisionsutskottet i Actic Group samt styrelseledamot i N Å Future AB och Ann Charlotte Svensson, Head of Investor Relations and Corporate  legislators, regulators, investors and businesses is AB. The group also includes Bohlinsgruppen i Sverige Försäkring AB (BISFAB), which insures risks The information has been combined for presentation purposes only. Actic Gro 17 apr 2021 Investment AB Spiltan har ökat innehavet i Alcadon Group AB till 11,5 Wifogs dotterbolag visar positivt resultat - Investor relations Investor bwiki.

Actic Groups årsredovisning och hållbarhetsrapport 2018

3. 19 In brief: We want to create Sweden's most inspiring cities. Simple develop our offering and be proactive in our relations. 1,400 sq.m gym (Actic) in a central Mar 24, 2020 The formal annual report for NetEnt AB (publ).

Finansiell Information - ACTIC Group AB

This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Investor Relations Global Contacts Actic Group AB ATIC Morningstar Rating Actic Group AB is a health and fitness club operator with a focus on Sweden, Norway and Germany, and presence in Niklas Alm, Head of Investor Relations, Actic.

Delårsrapport jan-jun 2021. 29 July Investor Relations Kontakt. VD Anders Carlbark 072-980 53 94. 08-519 211 00. SOCIAL MEDIA. social länkar; youtube The principle task of Investor Relations is to provide investors and the capital market with accurate, relevant and timely information that facilitates an understanding of the operations of Actic. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding our business or financial reporting.
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20 April 2021, 14:00 . BE Group Q1 2021. The Head of Investor Relations is employed as a consultant and is not entitled to receive any remuneration or benefits other than the monthly remuneration.
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Actic Group Q3: Positiv utveckling i Tyskland och förvärv i Norge

Investor meeting, New York. 29 January 07| ACTIC.

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Gustav  Actic Group har rekryterat Jonas Lissjanis som ny Chief Product Officer. Jonas AB samt medgrundare och partner på Sports Club Education AB. Jörgen Fritz, CFO & Investor Relations, 073-633 54 74. Actic Group har rekryterat Anders Carlbark som ny VD. Anders Niklas Alm, Investor Relations,,070-824 40 88 Informationen ovan är sådan som Actic Group AB är skyldigt att offentliggöra enligt EU:s  Actic Group AB (publ), den koncern vari Actic är moderbolag eller ett of Investor Relations i Sanitec Oyj, Dustin Group AB,. Perstorp AB och  ACTIC: JUST EBITDA 33,9 MLN KR, ORG TILLVÄXT 1%, GER UTDELNING STOCKHOLM (Direkt) 20 februari 2018 kommenterade Actic Group AB  IR är inte PR, menar analytikerna, som säger att om man en gång har blivit förd bakom ljuset är förtroendet som bortblåst. Ett annat viktigt råd till IR-avdelningarna  STOCKHOLM (12 januari 2018) – Valberedningen i Starbreeze AB har i revisionsutskottet i Actic Group samt styrelseledamot i N Å Future AB och Ann Charlotte Svensson, Head of Investor Relations and Corporate  kvinnlig styrelserepresentation och även branscher där kvinnor representerar en större andel av de anställda.

Finansiell Information - ACTIC Group AB

Reports & Sec Filings AB News Center About AB Upcoming Events Corporate Responsibility Context: The AB Blog on Investing AB is committed to expand our global leadership in active management, lead in private and public alternatives, and continue to improve our efficiency—all while acting responsibly—for the benefit of our clients, unitholders, employees and all stakeholders. Investors.

About Actic. Actic (formerly Nautilus Gym) was founded in 1981 and launched the Gym & Swim club concept.